Sickness costs society a lot of money. Prevention is much cheaper than a cure. Investing money in prevention and research is therefore money well spent. To this end, it helps that Aerotoxic Syndrome is registered as a recognised occupational disease at the Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases.
Every gift, whether small or large, enables the Neuro-Toxicity Research Foundation to financially support ground-breaking scientific research. Everyone can donate and thus contribute to the health of future generations.
Our foundation has the status of a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO). This status of Public Benefit Organisation means that in most cases donors can and do deduct their donations from income tax or corporate tax. Foundations that meet certain conditions are designated by the government as a Public Benefit Organisation and registered as such. On this basis, the Neuro-Toxicity Research Foundation has been included in the list of Public Benefit Organisations.
Chamber of Commerce Number: 84667850
RSIN number: 863305982
Bank Account: NL15TRIO0320573613
A donation can be done via the Donation Form or via a Bank Transfer in Euros to the Neuro-Toxicity Research Foundation via IBAN number NL15TRIO0320573613, BIC/Swift TRIONL2U. To ensure that you transfer the net amount, we request that you complete this transaction with the costs for the client (cost code OUR).